I saw three ships come sailing by, Come sailing by, come
sailing by; I saw three ships come sailing by, On New Year's Day in the
And what do you think was in them then? Was in them then, was
in them then? And what do you think was in them then, On New Year's Day in
the morning?
Three pretty girls were in them then, Were in them then,
were in them then; Three pretty girls were in them then, On New Year's Day
in the morning.
And one could whistle, and one could sing, And one
could play on the violin; Such joy there was at my wedding, On New Year's
Day in the morning.
ふねが3そう やってきた
ほをあげて ほをあげて
ふねが3そう やってきた
おしょうがつの あさのこと
ふねにはなにが のっている
どうおもう どうおもう
ふねにはなにが のっている
おしょうがつの あさのこと
かわいいむすめが 3人さ
ふねのなか ふねのなか かわいいむすめが 3人さ
おしょうがつの あさのこと
ひとりはくちぶえ ひとりはうたう
のこるひとりは バイオリン
なんとたのしい けっこんしき おしょうがつの あさのこと
(谷川俊太郎 訳)